Wanita Inspirasiku 2010

Many many young ladies in this world are getting smarter nowadays, even smarter than men. And deep down in their heart, despite of being a successful women, domestic engineer is always one of their choice to become. 

As early as at the age of early 20s, they started to wish many things; to become a good mother, to become a good wife. Well, me too, of course, have said all that stuff. And what I often heard when I have a conversation with friends talking about being a housewife; "I wish I can be a good wife and mother as good as my own mother!"And I can assure you that many and many young ladies have said that.

As far as I live, and am about to be 21 years old this June, I rarely find any of those who said how much they wish they want to be a domestic engineer actually do what a domestic engineer should do. Being a young, and single lady, I find it is not that hard to take care of your own clothes, clean your own room and cook your own food. Okay, lets give food an exception since there are some people who never cook before.

To really dream of becoming a domestic engineer, practice to become one is a good thing to do. In my very own personal point of view, if you said what you want to become, then you better find a way to do it. By simply say how much you want to be a good wife or mother, it doesn't even put you in the list of 'Good Wife and Mother'. But by doing everything that a housewife does, then you are qualified to be in the list. And it is simple. You just have to take care of your very-own-self, clean your own clothes, sweep the floor, mop the floor, clean the kitchen after you cook and sort your groceries after you shop are the most basic practice to become a good wife! You don't have to dream big and say how much you wish to become a good mother and a good wife if you can't even take care of those simple things!

And I am proud to say I practiced most of those things that I've said and those are the inspirations that given  by my all-time sifu, my very own mother, Puan Noriati binti Udin; a good mother, a good wife.

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Tag: Kak YanaAzyan